Release notes


3rd February 2022

Welcome to the third release of this series! (v2.*)

Below you will find important information regarding this version of the bot client. Read the release notes carefully so you know what to watch out for.

What's new

  • Implemented don't restore high sink stats immediately feature - users can now make Inkybot use all remaining sink before returning the stat to the item
  • Added reset statistics buttons to the Inkybot client
  • Added auto start a new statistics session upon successful exo mage
  • Added sink safeguard in case Inkybot calculates the sink over 101
  • Improved Maging AI - when the AI needs to decrease an overmaged stat, it will prioritize low sink runes to prevent over-decreasing
  • Improvements to custom maging scripts - added error message for when the script failed to compile (visible as a tooltip)
  • Improvements to custom maging scripts - added logging
  • Improvements to custom maging scripts - added ResolveDefault and ResolveDefaultExcludingStats functions to utilize the default AI's behavior within scripts
  • Fixed a bug where Inkybot would reset the sink if decreasing an overmaged stat resulted in a +sink
  • Fixed a bug where the Inkybot client would crash upon opening the statistics page
  • Added support for future Dofus versions: the Inkybot client now attaches to Dofus opened through the Ankama Launcher


  • More Bug fixes
  • Publish a tutorial video explaining the basics as well as the advanced features of Inkybot
  • Add official prebuilt item configurations # priced separately


Administrator mode

The bot must be run in administrator mode.

Do not minimize

You can run Inkybot under other applications, however it must not be minimized. This is due to how Windows works: it does not draw windows that are minimized.

Do not run other programs "Fullscreen"

You must not run other applications (notably, games) in exclusive-fullscreen mode!
Make sure you are running them in borderless-fullscreen mode.
Because of how Windows works, it can interfere with Inkybot's operation.

How to use

1. Open Inkybot as administrator and Login

You will need to login to your Inkybot account to gain access to the Dofus client. From there on you can login to your Dofus account as you would normally.

Login to your Dofus Account

2. Assign the appropriate in-game settings

It is essential you put your graphics settings as high as possible, especially anti-aliasing. In general, if you can see the text better, so can Inkybot. Remember, we use OCR to gather in-game information.

Also, make sure you turn off Full screen mode as it will mess up Inkybot's OCR bounds. You may have to restart Inkybot after changing this setting.

Assign the correct Performance settings in-game Assign the correct Menu settings in-game

3. Ensure the OCR indicators cover the appropriate bounds

You can view the OCR bounds by pressing the "Debug" button on the sidebar. The OCR bounds adjust according to the window.

We highly recommend you run Inkybot maximized as this will improve OCR results, thus minimizing error.

Ensure that the OCR indicators are correctly positioned

4. Activate Advanced Mode

Make sure you enable "Advanced Mode" in-game. You can find this option on the maging table under the item stats.

Activate advanced mode in the maging table

5. Configure your stats and begin maging!

You can access the stats configurator by pressing the "Stats" button on the sidebar. You will know the bot is finished when it removes the item from the maging table. Voilà!

Your item before using Inkybot Your item after using Inkybot
The stats configuration that was used to mage the item

Hall of Fame

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